This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use Spring Framework 6.2.5!


The retrieve() method can be used to declare how to extract the response. For example:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

WebClient client = WebClient.create("");

Mono<ResponseEntity<Person>> result = client.get()
		.uri("/persons/{id}", id).accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
val client = WebClient.create("")

val result = client.get()
		.uri("/persons/{id}", id).accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)

Or to get only the body:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

WebClient client = WebClient.create("");

Mono<Person> result = client.get()
		.uri("/persons/{id}", id).accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
val client = WebClient.create("")

val result = client.get()
		.uri("/persons/{id}", id).accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)

To get a stream of decoded objects:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

Flux<Quote> result = client.get()
val result = client.get()

By default, 4xx or 5xx responses result in an WebClientResponseException, including sub-classes for specific HTTP status codes. To customize the handling of error responses, use onStatus handlers as follows:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

Mono<Person> result = client.get()
		.uri("/persons/{id}", id).accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
		.onStatus(HttpStatusCode::is4xxClientError, response -> ...)
		.onStatus(HttpStatusCode::is5xxServerError, response -> ...)
val result = client.get()
		.uri("/persons/{id}", id).accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
		.onStatus(HttpStatusCode::is4xxClientError) { ... }
		.onStatus(HttpStatusCode::is5xxServerError) { ... }