This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use Spring Framework 6.1.14!


@DisabledInAotMode signals that an annotated test class is disabled in Spring AOT (ahead-of-time) mode, which means that the ApplicationContext for the test class will not be processed for AOT optimizations at build time.

If a test class is annotated with @DisabledInAotMode, all other test classes which specify configuration to load the same ApplicationContext must also be annotated with @DisabledInAotMode. Failure to annotate all such test classes will result in an exception, either at build time or run time.

When used with JUnit Jupiter based tests, @DisabledInAotMode also signals that the annotated test class or test method is disabled when running the test suite in Spring AOT mode. When applied at the class level, all test methods within that class will be disabled. In this sense, @DisabledInAotMode has semantics similar to those of JUnit Jupiter’s @DisabledInNativeImage annotation.

For details on AOT support specific to integration tests, see Ahead of Time Support for Tests.