This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use spring-cloud-contract 4.1.4!

Stub Runner JUnit Rule and Stub Runner JUnit5 Extension

Stub Runner comes with a JUnit rule that lets you can download and run stubs for a given group and artifact ID, as the following example shows:

public static StubRunnerRule rule = new StubRunnerRule().repoRoot(repoRoot())
	.downloadStub("", "loanIssuance")

public static void setupProps() {

A StubRunnerExtension is also available for JUnit 5. StubRunnerRule and StubRunnerExtension work in a very similar fashion. After the rule or extension is called, Stub Runner connects to your Maven repository and, for the given list of dependencies, tries to:

  • Download them

  • Cache them locally

  • Unzip them to a temporary folder

  • Start a WireMock server for each Maven dependency on a random port from the provided range of ports or the provided port

  • Feed the WireMock server with all JSON files that are valid WireMock definitions

  • Send messages (remember to pass an implementation of MessageVerifierSender interface)

Stub Runner uses the Eclipse Aether mechanism to download the Maven dependencies. Check their docs for more information.

Since the StubRunnerRule and StubRunnerExtension implement the StubFinder, they let you find the started stubs, as the following example shows:

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;


 * Contract for finding registered stubs.
 * @author Marcin Grzejszczak
public interface StubFinder extends StubTrigger {

	 * For the given groupId and artifactId tries to find the matching URL of the running
	 * stub.
	 * @param groupId - might be null. In that case a search only via artifactId takes
	 * place
	 * @param artifactId - artifact id of the stub
	 * @return URL of a running stub or throws exception if not found
	 * @throws StubNotFoundException in case of not finding a stub
	URL findStubUrl(String groupId, String artifactId) throws StubNotFoundException;

	 * For the given Ivy notation {@code [groupId]:artifactId:[version]:[classifier]}
	 * tries to find the matching URL of the running stub. You can also pass only
	 * {@code artifactId}.
	 * @param ivyNotation - Ivy representation of the Maven artifact
	 * @return URL of a running stub or throws exception if not found
	 * @throws StubNotFoundException in case of not finding a stub
	URL findStubUrl(String ivyNotation) throws StubNotFoundException;

	 * @return all running stubs
	RunningStubs findAllRunningStubs();

	 * @return the list of Contracts
	Map<StubConfiguration, Collection<Contract>> getContracts();


The following examples provide more detail about using Stub Runner:

StubRunnerRule rule = new StubRunnerRule()
		.downloadStub("", "loanIssuance")

def 'should start WireMock servers'() {
	expect: 'WireMocks are running'
		rule.findStubUrl('', 'loanIssuance') != null
		rule.findStubUrl('loanIssuance') != null
		rule.findStubUrl('loanIssuance') == rule.findStubUrl('', 'loanIssuance')
		rule.findStubUrl('') != null
		rule.findAllRunningStubs().isPresent('', 'fraudDetectionServer')
	and: 'Stubs were registered'
		"${rule.findStubUrl('loanIssuance').toString()}/name".toURL().text == 'loanIssuance'
		"${rule.findStubUrl('fraudDetectionServer').toString()}/name".toURL().text == 'fraudDetectionServer'

def 'should output mappings to output folder'() {
		def url = rule.findStubUrl('fraudDetectionServer')
		new File("target/outputmappingsforrule", "fraudDetectionServer_${url.port}").exists()
Junit 4
public void should_start_wiremock_servers() throws Exception {
	// expect: 'WireMocks are running'
	then(rule.findStubUrl("", "loanIssuance")).isNotNull();
		.isEqualTo(rule.findStubUrl("", "loanIssuance"));
	// and:
		.isPresent("", "fraudDetectionServer")).isTrue();
	// and: 'Stubs were registered'
	then(httpGet(rule.findStubUrl("loanIssuance").toString() + "/name")).isEqualTo("loanIssuance");
	then(httpGet(rule.findStubUrl("fraudDetectionServer").toString() + "/name")).isEqualTo("fraudDetectionServer");
Junit 5
// Visible for Junit
static StubRunnerExtension stubRunnerExtension = new StubRunnerExtension().repoRoot(repoRoot())
	.downloadStub("", "loanIssuance")

static void setupProps() {

private static String repoRoot() {
	try {
		return StubRunnerRuleJUnitTest.class.getResource("/m2repo/repository/").toURI().toString();
	catch (Exception e) {
		return "";

See the Common Properties for JUnit and Spring for more information on how to apply global configuration of Stub Runner.

To use the JUnit rule or JUnit 5 extension together with messaging, you have to provide an implementation of the MessageVerifierSender and MessageVerifierReceiver interface to the rule builder (for example, rule.messageVerifierSender(new MyMessageVerifierSender())). If you do not do this, then, whenever you try to send a message, an exception is thrown.

Maven Settings

The stub downloader honors Maven settings for a different local repository folder. Authentication details for repositories and profiles are currently not taken into account, so you need to specify it by using the properties mentioned above.

Providing Fixed Ports

You can also run your stubs on fixed ports. You can do it in two different ways. One is to pass it in the properties, and the other is to use the fluent API of JUnit rule.

Fluent API

When using the StubRunnerRule or StubRunnerExtension, you can add a stub to download and then pass the port for the last downloaded stub. The following example shows how to do so:

public static StubRunnerRule rule = new StubRunnerRule().repoRoot(repoRoot())
	.downloadStub("", "loanIssuance")

public static void setupProps() {

For the preceding example, the following test is valid:


Stub Runner with Spring

Stub Runner with Spring sets up Spring configuration of the Stub Runner project.

By providing a list of stubs inside your configuration file, Stub Runner automatically downloads and registers in WireMock the selected stubs.

If you want to find the URL of your stubbed dependency, you can autowire the StubFinder interface and use its methods, as follows:

@SpringBootTest(classes = Config, properties = ["",
@AutoConfigureStubRunner(mappingsOutputFolder = "target/outputmappings/",
		httpServerStubConfigurer = HttpsForFraudDetection)
class StubRunnerConfigurationSpec {

	StubFinder stubFinder
	Environment environment
	int fraudDetectionServerPort
	int fraudDetectionServerPortWithGroupId
	Integer foo

	static void setupSpec() {

	static void cleanupSpec() {

	void 'should mark all ports as random'() {

	void 'should start WireMock servers'() {
		expect: 'WireMocks are running'
		assert stubFinder.findStubUrl('', 'loanIssuance') != null
		assert stubFinder.findStubUrl('loanIssuance') != null
		assert stubFinder.findStubUrl('loanIssuance') == stubFinder.findStubUrl('', 'loanIssuance')
		assert stubFinder.findStubUrl('loanIssuance') == stubFinder.findStubUrl('')
		assert stubFinder.findStubUrl('') == stubFinder.findStubUrl('')
		assert stubFinder.findStubUrl('') != null
		assert stubFinder.findAllRunningStubs().isPresent('loanIssuance')
		assert stubFinder.findAllRunningStubs().isPresent('', 'fraudDetectionServer')
		assert stubFinder.findAllRunningStubs().isPresent('')
		and: 'Stubs were registered'
		assert "${stubFinder.findStubUrl('loanIssuance').toString()}/name".toURL().text == 'loanIssuance'
		assert "${stubFinder.findStubUrl('fraudDetectionServer').toString()}/name".toURL().text == 'fraudDetectionServer'
		and: 'Fraud Detection is an HTTPS endpoint'
		assert stubFinder.findStubUrl('fraudDetectionServer').toString().startsWith("https")

	void 'should throw an exception when stub is not found'() {
			BDDAssertions.thenThrownBy(() -> stubFinder.findStubUrl('nonExistingService')).isInstanceOf(StubNotFoundException)
			BDDAssertions.thenThrownBy(() -> stubFinder.findStubUrl('nonExistingGroupId', 'nonExistingArtifactId'))

	void 'should register started servers as environment variables'() {
		assert environment.getProperty("stubrunner.runningstubs.loanIssuance.port") != null
		assert stubFinder.findAllRunningStubs().getPort("loanIssuance") == (environment.getProperty("stubrunner.runningstubs.loanIssuance.port") as Integer)
		assert environment.getProperty("stubrunner.runningstubs.fraudDetectionServer.port") != null
		assert stubFinder.findAllRunningStubs().getPort("fraudDetectionServer") == (environment.getProperty("stubrunner.runningstubs.fraudDetectionServer.port") as Integer)
		assert environment.getProperty("stubrunner.runningstubs.fraudDetectionServer.port") != null
		assert stubFinder.findAllRunningStubs().getPort("fraudDetectionServer") == (environment.getProperty("") as Integer)

	void 'should be able to interpolate a running stub in the passed test property'() {
		int fraudPort = stubFinder.findAllRunningStubs().getPort("fraudDetectionServer")
		assert fraudPort > 0
		assert environment.getProperty("foo", Integer) == fraudPort
		assert environment.getProperty("fooWithGroup", Integer) == fraudPort
		assert foo == fraudPort

//	@Issue("#573")
	void 'should be able to retrieve the port of a running stub via an annotation'() {
		int fraudPort = stubFinder.findAllRunningStubs().getPort("fraudDetectionServer")
		assert fraudPort > 0
		assert fraudDetectionServerPort == fraudPort
		assert fraudDetectionServerPortWithGroupId == fraudPort

	void 'should dump all mappings to a file'() {
		def url = stubFinder.findStubUrl("fraudDetectionServer")
		assert new File("target/outputmappings/", "fraudDetectionServer_${url.port}").exists()

	static class Config {}

	static class HttpsForFraudDetection extends WireMockHttpServerStubConfigurer {

		private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(HttpsForFraudDetection)

		WireMockConfiguration configure(WireMockConfiguration httpStubConfiguration, HttpServerStubConfiguration httpServerStubConfiguration) {
			if (httpServerStubConfiguration.stubConfiguration.artifactId == "fraudDetectionServer") {
				int httpsPort = TestSocketUtils.findAvailableTcpPort()"Will set HTTPs port [" + httpsPort + "] for fraud detection server")
				return httpStubConfiguration
			return httpStubConfiguration

Doing so depends on the following configuration file:

  repositoryRoot: classpath:m2repo/repository/
  stubs-mode: remote

Instead of using the properties, you can also use the properties inside the @AutoConfigureStubRunner. The following example achieves the same result by setting values on the annotation:

@AutoConfigureStubRunner(ids = ["",
 ""] ,
stubsMode = StubRunnerProperties.StubsMode.REMOTE ,
repositoryRoot = "classpath:m2repo/repository/" )

Stub Runner Spring registers environment variables in the following manner for every registered WireMock server. The following example shows Stub Runner IDs for com.example:thing1 and com.example:thing2:

  • stubrunner.runningstubs.thing1.port


  • stubrunner.runningstubs.thing2.port


You can reference these values in your code.

You can also use the @StubRunnerPort annotation to inject the port of a running stub. The value of the annotation can be the groupid:artifactid or only the artifactid. The following example works shows Stub Runner IDs for com.example:thing1 and com.example:thing2.

int thing1Port;
int thing2Port;