This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use spring-cloud-contract 4.1.4!

Fetching Stubs or Contract Definitions From A Location

Instead of picking the stubs or contract definitions from Artifactory, Nexus, or Git, you can point to a location on a drive or the classpath. Doing so can be especially useful in a multi-module project, where one module wants to reuse stubs or contracts from another module without the need to actually install those in a local maven repository to commit those changes to Git.

In order to achieve this, you can use the stubs:// protocol when the repository root parameter is set either in Stub Runner or in a Spring Cloud Contract plugin.

In this example, the producer project has been successfully built and stubs were generated under the target/stubs folder. As a consumer, one can set up the Stub Runner to pick the stubs from that location by using the stubs:// protocol.

stubsMode = StubRunnerProperties.StubsMode.REMOTE,
		repositoryRoot = "stubs://file://location/to/the/producer/target/stubs/",
		ids = "com.example:some-producer")
JUnit 4 Rule
	public StubRunnerRule rule = new StubRunnerRule()
JUnit 5 Extension
	public StubRunnerExtension stubRunnerExtension = new StubRunnerExtension()

Contracts and stubs may be stored in a location, where each producer has its own, dedicated folder for contracts and stub mappings. Under that folder, each consumer can have its own setup. To make Stub Runner find the dedicated folder from the provided IDs, you can pass the stubs.find-producer=true property or the stubrunner.stubs.find-producer=true system property. The following listing shows an arrangement of contracts and stubs:

└── com.example (1)
    ├── some-artifact-id (2)
    │   └── 0.0.1
    │       ├── contracts (3)
    │       │   └── shouldReturnStuffForArtifactId.groovy
    │       └── mappings (4)
    │           └── shouldReturnStuffForArtifactId.json
    └── some-other-artifact-id (5)
        ├── contracts
        │   └── shouldReturnStuffForOtherArtifactId.groovy
        └── mappings
            └── shouldReturnStuffForOtherArtifactId.json
1 group ID of the consumers
2 consumer with artifact id [some-artifact-id]
3 contracts for the consumer with artifact id [some-artifact-id]
4 mappings for the consumer with artifact id [some-artifact-id]
5 consumer with artifact id [some-other-artifact-id]
stubsMode = StubRunnerProperties.StubsMode.REMOTE,
		repositoryRoot = "stubs://file://location/to/the/contracts/directory",
		ids = "com.example:some-producer",
JUnit 4 Rule
	static Map<String, String> contractProperties() {
		Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
		map.put("stubs.find-producer", "true");
		return map;

	public StubRunnerRule rule = new StubRunnerRule()
JUnit 5 Extension
	static Map<String, String> contractProperties() {
		Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
		map.put("stubs.find-producer", "true");
		return map;

	public StubRunnerExtension stubRunnerExtension = new StubRunnerExtension()