This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use spring-cloud-stream 4.1.3!

Using Existing Queues/Exchanges

By default, the binder will automatically provision a topic exchange with the name being derived from the value of the destination binding property <prefix><destination>. The destination defaults to the binding name, if not provided. When binding a consumer, a queue will automatically be provisioned with the name <prefix><destination>.<group> (if a group binding property is specified), or an anonymous, auto-delete queue when there is no group. The queue will be bound to the exchange with the "match-all" wildcard routing key (#) for a non-partitioned binding or <destination>-<instanceIndex> for a partitioned binding. The prefix is an empty String by default. If an output binding is specified with requiredGroups, a queue/binding will be provisioned for each group.

There are a number of rabbit-specific binding properties that allow you to modify this default behavior.

If you have an existing exchange/queue that you wish to use, you can completely disable automatic provisioning as follows, assuming the exchange is named myExchange and the queue is named myQueue:

  •<binding name>.destination=myExchange

  •<binding name>.group=myQueue

  •<binding name>.consumer.bindQueue=false

  •<binding name>.consumer.declareExchange=false

  •<binding name>.consumer.queueNameGroupOnly=true

If you want the binder to provision the queue/exchange, but you want to do it using something other than the defaults discussed here, use the following properties. Refer to the property documentation above for more information.

  •<binding name>.consumer.bindingRoutingKey=myRoutingKey

  •<binding name>.consumer.exchangeType=<type>

  •<binding name>.producer.routingKeyExpression='myRoutingKey'

There are similar properties used when declaring a dead-letter exchange/queue, when autoBindDlq is true.