This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use spring-cloud-stream 4.1.3!

RabbitMQ Producer Properties

The following properties are available for Rabbit producers only and must be prefixed with<channelName>.producer..

However if the same set of properties needs to be applied to most bindings, to avoid repetition, Spring Cloud Stream supports setting values for all channels, in the format of<property>=<value>.

Also, keep in mind that binding specific property will override its equivalent in the default.


If the exchange does not already exist, and a name is provided, bind this queue to the alternate exhange. A simple durable queue with no arguments is provisioned; if more sophisticated configuration is required, you must configure and bind the queue yourself.

Default: null alternateExchange.binding.routingKey If the exchange does not already exist, and a name and queue is provided, bind the queue to the alternate exhange using this routing key.

Default: # (for the default topic alternate exchange)


Whether the alternate exchange exists, or needs to be provisioned.

Default: false


If the alternate exchange does not already exist, the type of exchange to provision.

Default: topic

Configure an alternate exchange on the destination exchange.

Default: null


Whether to automatically declare the DLQ and bind it to the binder DLX.

Default: false.


Whether to enable message batching by producers. Messages are batched into one message according to the following properties (described in the next three entries in this list): 'batchSize', batchBufferLimit, and batchTimeout. See Batching for more information. Also see Receiving Batched Messages.

Default: false.


The number of messages to buffer when batching is enabled.

Default: 100.


The maximum buffer size when batching is enabled.

Default: 10000.


The batch timeout when batching is enabled.

Default: 5000.


The routing key with which to bind the queue to the exchange (if bindQueue is true). Can be multiple keys - see bindingRoutingKeyDelimiter. For partitioned destinations, -n is appended to each key. Only applies if requiredGroups are provided and then only to those groups.

Default: #.


When this is not null, 'bindingRoutingKey' is considered to be a list of keys delimited by this value; often a comma is used. Only applies if requiredGroups are provided and then only to those groups.

Default: null.


Whether to declare the queue and bind it to the destination exchange. Set it to false if you have set up your own infrastructure and have previously created and bound the queue. Only applies if requiredGroups are provided and then only to those groups.

Default: true.


Whether data should be compressed when sent.

Default: false.


When errorChannelEnabled is true, a channel to which to send positive delivery acknowledgments (aka publisher confirms). If the channel does not exist, a DirectChannel is registered with this name. The connection factory must be configured to enable publisher confirms. Mutually exclusive with useConfirmHeader.

Default: nullChannel (acks are discarded).


The name of the DLQ Only applies if requiredGroups are provided and then only to those groups.

Default: prefix+destination.dlq


A DLX to assign to the queue. Relevant only when autoBindDlq is true. Applies only when requiredGroups are provided and then only to those groups.

Default: 'prefix+DLX'


The type of the DLX to assign to the queue. Relevant only if autoBindDlq is true. Applies only when requiredGroups are provided and then only to those groups.

Default: 'direct'


A dead letter routing key to assign to the queue. Relevant only when autoBindDlq is true. Applies only when requiredGroups are provided and then only to those groups.

Default: destination


Whether to declare the dead letter exchange for the destination. Relevant only if autoBindDlq is true. Set to false if you have a pre-configured DLX. Applies only when requiredGroups are provided and then only to those groups.

Default: true.


Whether to declare the exchange for the destination.

Default: true.


A SpEL expression to evaluate the delay to apply to the message (x-delay header). It has no effect if the exchange is not a delayed message exchange.

Default: No x-delay header is set.


Whether to declare the exchange as a Delayed Message Exchange. Requires the delayed message exchange plugin on the broker. The x-delayed-type argument is set to the exchangeType.

Default: false.


The delivery mode.



Arguments applied when binding the dlq to the dead letter exchange; used with headers deadLetterExchangeType to specify headers to match on. For example …​dlqBindingArguments.x-match=any, …​dlqBindingArguments.someHeader=someValue. Applies only when requiredGroups are provided and then only to those groups.

Default: empty


When a DLQ is declared, a DLX to assign to that queue. Applies only if requiredGroups are provided and then only to those groups.

Default: none


When a DLQ is declared, a dead letter routing key to assign to that queue. Applies only when requiredGroups are provided and then only to those groups.

Default: none


How long (in milliseconds) before an unused dead letter queue is deleted. Applies only when requiredGroups are provided and then only to those groups.

Default: no expiration


Declare the dead letter queue with the x-queue-mode=lazy argument. See “Lazy Queues”. Consider using a policy instead of this setting, because using a policy allows changing the setting without deleting the queue. Applies only when requiredGroups are provided and then only to those groups.


Maximum number of messages in the dead letter queue. Applies only if requiredGroups are provided and then only to those groups.

Default: no limit


Maximum number of total bytes in the dead letter queue from all messages. Applies only when requiredGroups are provided and then only to those groups.

Default: no limit


Maximum priority of messages in the dead letter queue (0-255) Applies only when requiredGroups are provided and then only to those groups.

Default: none


When quorum.enabled=true, set a delivery limit after which the message is dropped or dead-lettered. Applies only when requiredGroups are provided and then only to those groups.

Default: none - broker default will apply.


When true, create a quorum dead letter queue instead of a classic queue. Applies only when requiredGroups are provided and then only to those groups.

Default: false


When quorum.enabled=true, set the initial quorum size. Applies only when requiredGroups are provided and then only to those groups.

Default: none - broker default will apply.


Set to true to set the x-single-active-consumer queue property to true. Applies only when requiredGroups are provided and then only to those groups.

Default: false


Default time (in milliseconds) to live to apply to the dead letter queue when declared. Applies only when requiredGroups are provided and then only to those groups.

Default: no limit


If declareExchange is true, whether the exchange should be auto-delete (it is removed after the last queue is removed).

Default: true.


If declareExchange is true, whether the exchange should be durable (survives broker restart).

Default: true.


The exchange type: direct, fanout, headers or topic for non-partitioned destinations and direct, headers or topic for partitioned destinations.

Default: topic.


How long (in milliseconds) before an unused queue is deleted. Applies only when requiredGroups are provided and then only to those groups.

Default: no expiration


Patterns for headers to be mapped to outbound messages.

Default: ['*'] (all headers).


Declare the queue with the x-queue-mode=lazy argument. See “Lazy Queues”. Consider using a policy instead of this setting, because using a policy allows changing the setting without deleting the queue. Applies only when requiredGroups are provided and then only to those groups.

Default: false.


Maximum number of messages in the queue. Applies only when requiredGroups are provided and then only to those groups.

Default: no limit


Maximum number of total bytes in the queue from all messages. Only applies if requiredGroups are provided and then only to those groups.

Default: no limit


Maximum priority of messages in the queue (0-255). Only applies if requiredGroups are provided and then only to those groups.

Default: none


A prefix to be added to the name of the destination exchange.

Default: "".


The type of producer.

  • AMQP AMQP Client for classic and quorum queues

  • STREAM_SYNC RabbitMQ Streams Plugin client, blocks until confirm is received

  • STREAM_ASYNC RabbitMQ Streams Plugin client, does not block

    Default: "".


Arguments applied when binding the queue to the exchange; used with headers exchangeType to specify headers to match on. For example …​queueBindingArguments.x-match=any, …​queueBindingArguments.someHeader=someValue. Applies only when requiredGroups are provided and then only to those groups.

Default: empty


When true, consume from a queue with a name equal to the group. Otherwise the queue name is This is useful, for example, when using Spring Cloud Stream to consume from an existing RabbitMQ queue. Applies only when requiredGroups are provided and then only to those groups.

Default: false.


When quorum.enabled=true, set a delivery limit after which the message is dropped or dead-lettered. Applies only when requiredGroups are provided and then only to those groups.

Default: none - broker default will apply.


When true, create a quorum queue instead of a classic queue. Applies only when requiredGroups are provided and then only to those groups.

Default: false


When quorum.enabled=true, set the initial quorum size. Applies only when requiredGroups are provided and then only to those groups.

Default: none - broker default will apply.


A SpEL expression to determine the routing key to use when publishing messages. For a fixed routing key, use routingKey.

Default: destination or destination-<partition> for partitioned destinations.


A string defining a fixed routing key to use when publishing messages.

Default: see routingKeyExpression


Set to true to set the x-single-active-consumer queue property to true. Applies only when requiredGroups are provided and then only to those groups.

Default: false


Whether to use transacted channels.

Default: false.


Default time (in milliseconds) to live to apply to the queue when declared. Applies only when requiredGroups are provided and then only to those groups.

Default: no limit


See Publisher Confirms. Mutually exclusive with confirmAckChannel.

In the case of RabbitMQ, content type headers can be set by external applications. Spring Cloud Stream supports them as part of an extended internal protocol used for any type of transport — including transports, such as Kafka (prior to 0.11), that do not natively support headers.