This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use Spring Framework 6.2.5! |
Executing SQL Scripts
When writing integration tests against a relational database, it is often beneficial to
run SQL scripts to modify the database schema or insert test data into tables. The
module provides support for initializing an embedded or existing database
by executing SQL scripts when the Spring ApplicationContext
is loaded. See
Embedded database support and
Testing data access logic with an embedded database
for details.
Although it is very useful to initialize a database for testing once when the
is loaded, sometimes it is essential to be able to modify the
database during integration tests. The following sections explain how to run SQL
scripts programmatically and declaratively during integration tests.
Executing SQL scripts programmatically
Spring provides the following options for executing SQL scripts programmatically within integration test methods.
provides a collection of static utility methods for working with SQL
scripts and is mainly intended for internal use within the framework. However, if you
require full control over how SQL scripts are parsed and run, ScriptUtils
may suit
your needs better than some of the other alternatives described later. See the
javadoc for individual
methods in ScriptUtils
for further details.
provides an object-based API for programmatically populating,
initializing, or cleaning up a database by using SQL scripts defined in external
resources. ResourceDatabasePopulator
provides options for configuring the character
encoding, statement separator, comment delimiters, and error handling flags used when
parsing and running the scripts. Each of the configuration options has a reasonable
default value. See the
javadoc for
details on default values. To run the scripts configured in a
, you can invoke either the populate(Connection)
method to
run the populator against a java.sql.Connection
or the execute(DataSource)
to run the populator against a javax.sql.DataSource
. The following example
specifies SQL scripts for a test schema and test data, sets the statement separator to
, and run the scripts against a DataSource
void databaseTest() {
ResourceDatabasePopulator populator = new ResourceDatabasePopulator();
new ClassPathResource("test-schema.sql"),
new ClassPathResource("test-data.sql"));
// run code that uses the test schema and data
fun databaseTest() {
val populator = ResourceDatabasePopulator()
// run code that uses the test schema and data
Note that ResourceDatabasePopulator
internally delegates to ScriptUtils
for parsing
and running SQL scripts. Similarly, the executeSqlScript(..)
methods in
and AbstractTransactionalTestNGSpringContextTests
internally use a ResourceDatabasePopulator
to run SQL scripts. See the Javadoc for the
various executeSqlScript(..)
methods for further details.
Executing SQL scripts declaratively with @Sql
In addition to the aforementioned mechanisms for running SQL scripts programmatically,
you can declaratively configure SQL scripts in the Spring TestContext Framework.
Specifically, you can declare the @Sql
annotation on a test class or test method to
configure individual SQL statements or the resource paths to SQL scripts that should be
run against a given database before or after an integration test class or test method.
Support for @Sql
is provided by the SqlScriptsTestExecutionListener
, which is enabled
by default.
Method-level However, this does not apply to class-level declarations configured for the
Path Resource Semantics
Each path is interpreted as a Spring Resource
. A plain path (for example,
) is treated as a classpath resource that is relative to the package in
which the test class is defined. A path starting with a slash is treated as an absolute
classpath resource (for example, "/org/example/schema.sql"
). A path that references a
URL (for example, a path prefixed with classpath:
, file:
, http:
) is loaded by using
the specified resource protocol.
The following example shows how to use @Sql
at the class level and at the method level
within a JUnit Jupiter based integration test class:
class DatabaseTests {
void emptySchemaTest() {
// run code that uses the test schema without any test data
@Sql({"/test-schema.sql", "/test-user-data.sql"})
void userTest() {
// run code that uses the test schema and test data
class DatabaseTests {
fun emptySchemaTest() {
// run code that uses the test schema without any test data
@Sql("/test-schema.sql", "/test-user-data.sql")
fun userTest() {
// run code that uses the test schema and test data
Default Script Detection
If no SQL scripts or statements are specified, an attempt is made to detect a default
script, depending on where @Sql
is declared. If a default cannot be detected, an
is thrown.
Class-level declaration: If the annotated test class is
, the corresponding default script isclasspath:com/example/MyTest.sql
. -
Method-level declaration: If the annotated test method is named
and is defined in the classcom.example.MyTest
, the corresponding default script isclasspath:com/example/MyTest.testMethod.sql
Logging SQL Scripts and Statements
If you want to see which SQL scripts are being executed, set the
logging category to DEBUG
If you want to see which SQL statements are being executed, set the
logging category to DEBUG
Declaring Multiple @Sql
If you need to configure multiple sets of SQL scripts for a given test class or test
method but with different syntax configuration, different error handling rules, or
different execution phases per set, you can declare multiple instances of @Sql
. You can
either use @Sql
as a repeatable annotation, or you can use the @SqlGroup
as an explicit container for declaring multiple instances of @Sql
The following example shows how to use @Sql
as a repeatable annotation:
@Sql(scripts = "/test-schema.sql", config = @SqlConfig(commentPrefix = "`"))
void userTest() {
// run code that uses the test schema and test data
@Sql("/test-schema.sql", config = SqlConfig(commentPrefix = "`"))
fun userTest() {
// run code that uses the test schema and test data
In the scenario presented in the preceding example, the test-schema.sql
script uses a
different syntax for single-line comments.
The following example is identical to the preceding example, except that the @Sql
declarations are grouped together within @SqlGroup
. The use of @SqlGroup
is optional,
but you may need to use @SqlGroup
for compatibility with other JVM languages.
@Sql(scripts = "/test-schema.sql", config = @SqlConfig(commentPrefix = "`")),
void userTest() {
// run code that uses the test schema and test data
Sql("/test-schema.sql", config = SqlConfig(commentPrefix = "`")),
fun userTest() {
// Run code that uses the test schema and test data
Script Execution Phases
By default, SQL scripts are run before the corresponding test method. However, if you
need to run a particular set of scripts after the test method (for example, to clean up
database state), you can set the executionPhase
attribute in @Sql
, as the following example shows:
scripts = "create-test-data.sql",
config = @SqlConfig(transactionMode = ISOLATED)
scripts = "delete-test-data.sql",
config = @SqlConfig(transactionMode = ISOLATED),
executionPhase = AFTER_TEST_METHOD
void userTest() {
// run code that needs the test data to be committed
// to the database outside of the test's transaction
config = SqlConfig(transactionMode = ISOLATED))
config = SqlConfig(transactionMode = ISOLATED),
executionPhase = AFTER_TEST_METHOD)
fun userTest() {
// run code that needs the test data to be committed
// to the database outside of the test's transaction
ISOLATED and AFTER_TEST_METHOD are statically imported from
Sql.TransactionMode and Sql.ExecutionPhase , respectively.
As of Spring Framework 6.1, it is possible to run a particular set of scripts before or
after the test class by setting the executionPhase
attribute in a class-level @Sql
declaration to BEFORE_TEST_CLASS
, as the following example shows:
@Sql(scripts = "/test-schema.sql", executionPhase = BEFORE_TEST_CLASS)
class DatabaseTests {
void emptySchemaTest() {
// run code that uses the test schema without any test data
void userTest() {
// run code that uses the test schema and test data
@Sql("/test-schema.sql", executionPhase = BEFORE_TEST_CLASS)
class DatabaseTests {
fun emptySchemaTest() {
// run code that uses the test schema without any test data
fun userTest() {
// run code that uses the test schema and test data
BEFORE_TEST_CLASS is statically imported from Sql.ExecutionPhase .
Script Configuration with @SqlConfig
You can configure script parsing and error handling by using the @SqlConfig
When declared as a class-level annotation on an integration test class, @SqlConfig
serves as global configuration for all SQL scripts within the test class hierarchy. When
declared directly by using the config
attribute of the @Sql
annotation, @SqlConfig
serves as local configuration for the SQL scripts declared within the enclosing @Sql
annotation. Every attribute in @SqlConfig
has an implicit default value, which is
documented in the javadoc of the corresponding attribute. Due to the rules defined for
annotation attributes in the Java Language Specification, it is, unfortunately, not
possible to assign a value of null
to an annotation attribute. Thus, in order to
support overrides of inherited global configuration, @SqlConfig
attributes have an
explicit default value of either ""
(for Strings), {}
(for arrays), or DEFAULT
enumerations). This approach lets local declarations of @SqlConfig
selectively override
individual attributes from global declarations of @SqlConfig
by providing a value other
than ""
, {}
. Global @SqlConfig
attributes are inherited whenever
local @SqlConfig
attributes do not supply an explicit value other than ""
, {}
, or
. Explicit local configuration, therefore, overrides global configuration.
The configuration options provided by @Sql
and @SqlConfig
are equivalent to those
supported by ScriptUtils
and ResourceDatabasePopulator
but are a superset of those
provided by the <jdbc:initialize-database/>
XML namespace element. See the javadoc of
individual attributes in @Sql
for details.
Transaction management for @Sql
By default, the SqlScriptsTestExecutionListener
infers the desired transaction
semantics for scripts configured by using @Sql
. Specifically, SQL scripts are run
without a transaction, within an existing Spring-managed transaction (for example, a
transaction managed by the TransactionalTestExecutionListener
for a test annotated with
), or within an isolated transaction, depending on the configured value
of the transactionMode
attribute in @SqlConfig
and the presence of a
in the test’s ApplicationContext
. As a bare minimum,
however, a javax.sql.DataSource
must be present in the test’s ApplicationContext
If the algorithms used by SqlScriptsTestExecutionListener
to detect a DataSource
and infer the transaction semantics do not suit your needs,
you can specify explicit names by setting the dataSource
and transactionManager
attributes of @SqlConfig
. Furthermore, you can control the transaction propagation
behavior by setting the transactionMode
attribute of @SqlConfig
(for example, whether
scripts should be run in an isolated transaction). Although a thorough discussion of all
supported options for transaction management with @Sql
is beyond the scope of this
reference manual, the javadoc for
provide detailed information, and the following example shows a typical testing scenario
that uses JUnit Jupiter and transactional tests with @Sql
class TransactionalSqlScriptsTests {
final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
TransactionalSqlScriptsTests(DataSource dataSource) {
this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);
void usersTest() {
// verify state in test database:
// run code that uses the test data...
int countRowsInTable(String tableName) {
return JdbcTestUtils.countRowsInTable(this.jdbcTemplate, tableName);
void assertNumUsers(int expected) {
assertEquals(expected, countRowsInTable("user"),
"Number of rows in the [user] table.");
class TransactionalSqlScriptsTests @Autowired constructor(dataSource: DataSource) {
val jdbcTemplate: JdbcTemplate = JdbcTemplate(dataSource)
fun usersTest() {
// verify state in test database:
// run code that uses the test data...
fun countRowsInTable(tableName: String): Int {
return JdbcTestUtils.countRowsInTable(jdbcTemplate, tableName)
fun assertNumUsers(expected: Int) {
assertEquals(expected, countRowsInTable("user"),
"Number of rows in the [user] table.")
Note that there is no need to clean up the database after the usersTest()
method is
run, since any changes made to the database (either within the test method or within the
script) are automatically rolled back by the
(see transaction management for
Merging and Overriding Configuration with @SqlMergeMode
As of Spring Framework 5.2, it is possible to merge method-level @Sql
declarations with
class-level declarations. For example, this allows you to provide the configuration for a
database schema or some common test data once per test class and then provide additional,
use case specific test data per test method. To enable @Sql
merging, annotate either
your test class or test method with @SqlMergeMode(MERGE)
. To disable merging for a
specific test method (or specific test subclass), you can switch back to the default mode
via @SqlMergeMode(OVERRIDE)
. Consult the @SqlMergeMode
annotation documentation section
for examples and further details.