Getting Started

This section offers jumping off points for how to get started using Spring AI.

You should follow the steps in each of the following section according to your needs.

Spring AI supports Spring Boot 3.2.x and 3.3.x

Spring Initializr

Head on over to and select the AI Models and Vector Stores that you want to use in your new applications.

Add Milestone and Snapshot Repositories

If you prefer to add the dependency snippets by hand, follow the directions in the following sections.

To use the Milestone and Snapshot version, you need to add references to the Spring Milestone and/or Snapshot repositories in your build file.

Add the following repository definitions to your Maven or Gradle build file:

  • Maven

  • Gradle

    <name>Spring Milestones</name>
    <name>Spring Snapshots</name>
repositories {
  maven { url '' }
  maven { url '' }

Dependency Management

The Spring AI Bill of Materials (BOM) declares the recommended versions of all the dependencies used by a given release of Spring AI. Using the BOM from your application’s build script avoids the need for you to specify and maintain the dependency versions yourself. Instead, the version of the BOM you’re using determines the utilized dependency versions. It also ensures that you’re using supported and tested versions of the dependencies by default, unless you choose to override them.

Add the BOM to your project:

  • Maven

  • Gradle

dependencies {
  implementation platform("")
  // Replace the following with the starter dependencies of specific modules you wish to use
  implementation ''

Gradle users can also use the Spring AI BOM by leveraging Gradle (5.0+) native support for declaring dependency constraints using a Maven BOM. This is implemented by adding a 'platform' dependency handler method to the dependencies section of your Gradle build script. As shown in the snippet below this can then be followed by version-less declarations of the Starter Dependencies for the one or more spring-ai modules you wish to use, e.g. spring-ai-openai.

Add dependencies for specific components

Each of the following sections in the documentation shows which dependencies you need to add to your project build system.

Sample Projects

You can clone these projects on GitHub to get started.

Flight Booking Assistant

AI-powered system that has access to terms and conditions (Retrieval Augmented Generation, RAG), access tools (Java methods) to perform actions (Function Calling) and uses an LLM to interact with the user