Integration Problem

The Spring AI project aims to streamline the development of applications that incorporate artificial intelligence functionality without unnecessary complexity.

The project draws inspiration from notable Python projects, such as LangChain and LlamaIndex, but Spring AI is not a direct port of those projects. The project was founded with the belief that the next wave of Generative AI applications will not be only for Python developers but will be ubiquitous across many programming languages.

Spring AI addresses the fundamental challenge of AI integration: Connecting your enterprise Data and APIs with the AI Models.

Spring AI provides abstractions that serve as the foundation for developing AI applications. These abstractions have multiple implementations, enabling easy component swapping with minimal code changes.

Spring AI provides the following features:

  • Support for all major Model providers such as Anthropic, Azure OpenAI, Amazon Bedrock, Google, HuggingFace, Mistral, Oracle, Stability AI, Watson, Minimax, Moonshot, QianFan, ZhiPu AI, PostgresML, and ONNX Transformers.

  • Supported Model types are Chat, Embedding, Text to Image, Audio Transcription, Text to Speech, and Moderation. Multimodal models are also supported.

  • Portable API across AI providers for all models. Both synchronous and stream API options are supported. Dropping down to access model specific features is also supported.

  • Spring Boot Auto Configuration for all models, simplifying setup and integration.

  • AOT (Ahead-Of-Time) native image support for improved performance and reduced startup times.

  • Enhanced observability leveraging Spring ecosystem features, providing insights into AI-related operations. Spring AI offers metrics and tracing capabilities for core components including ChatClient, ChatModel, EmbeddingModel, ImageModel, and VectorStore.

  • Structured Output to enable mapping of AI Model output to POJOs.

  • Function calling support.

  • Support for all major Vector Database providers such as Apache Cassandra, Azure Vector Search, Chroma, Milvus, MongoDB Atlas, Neo4j, Oracle, PostgreSQL/PGVector, PineCone, Qdrant, Redis, and Weaviate.

  • Portable API across Vector Store providers, including a novel SQL-like metadata filter API that is also portable.

  • ETL framework for Data Engineering to load data into Vector Stores.

  • Evaluation Testing support for AI applications, allowing assessment of generated content to prevent hallucinated responses. This includes the ability to use AI models for self-evaluation, with the flexibility to choose the most suitable model for evaluation purposes.

  • Spring Boot autoconfiguration for establishing connections to model services or vector stores running via Testcontainers or Docker Compose.

This feature set lets you implement common use cases such as “Q&A over your documentation” or “Chat with your documentation.”

The concepts section provides a high-level overview of AI concepts and their representation in Spring AI.

The Getting Started section shows you how to create your first AI application. Subsequent sections delve into each component and common use cases with a code-focused approach.