This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest snapshot version, please use Spring AI 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT!

Upgrade Notes

Upgrading to 1.0.0.M6

Changes to Usage Interface and DefaultUsage Implementation

The Usage interface and its default implementation DefaultUsage have undergone the following changes:

  1. Method Rename:

    • getGenerationTokens() is now getCompletionTokens()

  2. Type Changes:

    • All token count fields in DefaultUsage changed from Long to Integer:

      • promptTokens

      • completionTokens (formerly generationTokens)

      • totalTokens

Required Actions

  • Replace all calls to getGenerationTokens() with getCompletionTokens()

  • Update DefaultUsage constructor calls:

// Old (M5)
new DefaultUsage(Long promptTokens, Long generationTokens, Long totalTokens)

// New (M6)
new DefaultUsage(Integer promptTokens, Integer completionTokens, Integer totalTokens)
For more information on handling Usage, refer here

JSON Ser/Deser changes

While M6 maintains backward compatibility for JSON deserialization of the generationTokens field, this field will be removed in M7. Any persisted JSON documents using the old field name should be updated to use completionTokens.

Example of the new JSON format:

  "promptTokens": 100,
  "completionTokens": 50,
  "totalTokens": 150

Changes to usage of FunctionCallingOptions for tool calling

Each ChatModel instance, at construction time, accepts an optional ChatOptions or FunctionCallingOptions instance that can be used to configure default tools used for calling the model.

Before 1.0.0-M6:

  • any tool passed via the functions() method of the default FunctionCallingOptions instance was included in each call to the model from that ChatModel instance, possibly overwritten by runtime options.

  • any tool passed via the functionCallbacks() method of the default FunctionCallingOptions instance was only made available for runtime dynamic resolution (see Tool Resolution), but never included in any call to the model unless explicitly requested.

Starting 1.0.0-M6:

  • any tool passed via the functions() method or the functionCallbacks() of the default FunctionCallingOptions instance is now handled in the same way: it is included in each call to the model from that ChatModel instance, possibly overwritten by runtime options. With that, there is consistency in the way tools are included in calls to the model and prevents any confusion due to a difference in behavior between functionCallbacks() and all the other options.

If you want to make a tool available for runtime dynamic resolution and include it in a chat request to the model only when explicitly requested, you can use one of the strategies described in Tool Resolution.

1.0.0-M6 introduced new APIs for handling tool calling. Backward compatibility is maintained for the old APIs across all scenarios, except the one described above. The old APIs are still available, but they are deprecated and will be removed in 1.0.0-M7.

Removal of deprecated Amazon Bedrock chat models

Starting 1.0.0-M6, Spring AI transitioned to using Amazon Bedrock’s Converse API for all Chat conversation implementations in Spring AI. All the Amazon Bedrock Chat models are removed except the Embedding models for Cohere and Titan.

Refer to Bedrock Converse documentation for using the chat models.

Changes to use Spring Boot 3.4.2 for dependency management

Spring AI updates to use Spring Boot 3.4.2 for the dependency management. You can refer here for the dependencies which Spring Boot 3.4.2

Required Actions

  • If you are upgrading to Spring Boot 3.4.2, please make sure to refer to this documentation for the changes required to configure the REST Client. Notably, if you don’t have an HTTP client library on the classpath, this will likely result in the use of JdkClientHttpRequestFactory where SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory would have been used previously. To switch to use SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory, you need to set spring.http.client.factory=simple.

  • If you are using a different version of Spring Boot (say Spring Boot 3.3.x) and need a specific version of a dependency, you can override it in your build configuration.

Vector Store API changes

In version 1.0.0-M6, the delete method in the VectorStore interface has been modified to be a void operation instead of returning an Optional<Boolean>. If your code previously checked the return value of the delete operation, you’ll need to remove this check. The operation now throws an exception if the deletion fails, providing more direct error handling.

Before 1.0.0-M6:

Optional<Boolean> result = vectorStore.delete(ids);
if (result.isPresent() && result.get()) {
    // handle successful deletion

In 1.0.0-M6 and later:

// deletion successful if no exception is thrown

Upgrading to 1.0.0.M5

  • Vector Builders have been refactored for consistency.

  • Current VectorStore implementation constructors have been deprecated, use the builder pattern.

  • VectorStore implementation packages have been moved into unique package names, avoiding conflicts across artifact. For example to

Upgrading to 1.0.0.RC3

  • The type of the portable chat options (frequencyPenalty, presencePenalty, temperature, topP) has been changed from Float to Double.

Upgrading to 1.0.0.M2

  • The configuration prefix for the Chroma Vector Store has been changes from to in order to align with the naming conventions of other vector stores.

  • The default value of the initialize-schema property on vector stores capable of initializing a schema is now set to false. This implies that the applications now need to explicitly opt-in for schema initialization on supported vector stores, if the schema is expected to be created at application startup. Not all vector stores support this property. See the corresponding vector store documentation for more details. The following are the vector stores that currently don’t support the initialize-schema property.

    1. Hana

    2. Pinecone

    3. Weaviate

  • In Bedrock Jurassic 2, the chat options countPenalty, frequencyPenalty, and presencePenalty have been renamed to countPenaltyOptions, frequencyPenaltyOptions, and presencePenaltyOptions. Furthermore, the type of the chat option stopSequences have been changed from String[] to List<String>.

  • In Azure OpenAI, the type of the chat options frequencyPenalty and presencePenalty has been changed from Double to Float, consistently with all the other implementations.

Upgrading to 1.0.0.M1

On our march to release 1.0.0 M1 we have made several breaking changes. Apologies, it is for the best!

ChatClient changes

A major change was made that took the 'old' ChatClient and moved the functionality into ChatModel. The 'new' ChatClient now takes an instance of ChatModel. This was done do support a fluent API for creating and executing prompts in a style similar to other client classes in the Spring ecosystem, such as RestClient, WebClient, and JdbcClient. Refer to the [JavaDoc]( for more information on the Fluent API, proper reference documentation is coming shortly.

We renamed the 'old' ModelClient to Model and renamed implementing classes, for example ImageClient was renamed to ImageModel. The Model implementation represent the portability layer that converts between the Spring AI API and the underlying AI Model API.

Adapting to the changes

The ChatClient class is now in the package

Approach 1

Now, instead of getting an Autoconfigured ChatClient instance, you will get a ChatModel instance. The call method signatures after renaming remain the same. To adapt your code should refactor you code to change use of the type ChatClient to ChatModel Here is an example of existing code before the change

public class OldSimpleAiController {

    private final ChatClient chatClient;

    public OldSimpleAiController(ChatClient chatClient) {
        this.chatClient = chatClient;

    Map<String, String> completion(@RequestParam(value = "message", defaultValue = "Tell me a joke") String message) {
        return Map.of("generation",;

Now after the changes this will be

public class SimpleAiController {

    private final ChatModel chatModel;

    public SimpleAiController(ChatModel chatModel) {
        this.chatModel = chatModel;

    Map<String, String> completion(@RequestParam(value = "message", defaultValue = "Tell me a joke") String message) {
        return Map.of("generation",;
The renaming also applies to the classes * StreamingChatClientStreamingChatModel * EmbeddingClientEmbeddingModel * ImageClientImageModel * SpeechClientSpeechModel * and similar for other <XYZ>Client classes

Approach 2

In this approach you will use the new fluent API available on the 'new' ChatClient

Here is an example of existing code before the change

class OldSimpleAiController {

    ChatClient chatClient;

    OldSimpleAiController(ChatClient chatClient) {
        this.chatClient = chatClient;

	Map<String, String> completion(@RequestParam(value = "message", defaultValue = "Tell me a joke") String message) {
		return Map.of(

Now after the changes this will be

class SimpleAiController {

    private final ChatClient chatClient;

    SimpleAiController(ChatClient.Builder builder) {
      this.chatClient =;

    Map<String, String> completion(@RequestParam(value = "message", defaultValue = "Tell me a joke") String message) {
        return Map.of(
The ChatModel instance is made available to you through autoconfiguration.

Approach 3

There is a tag in the GitHub repository called [v1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-before-chatclient-changes]( that you can checkout and do a local build to avoid updating any of your code until you are ready to migrate your code base.

git checkout tags/v1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-before-chatclient-changes

./mvnw clean install -DskipTests

Artifact name changes

Renamed POM artifact names: - spring-ai-qdrant → spring-ai-qdrant-store - spring-ai-cassandra → spring-ai-cassandra-store - spring-ai-pinecone → spring-ai-pinecone-store - spring-ai-redis → spring-ai-redis-store - spring-ai-qdrant → spring-ai-qdrant-store - spring-ai-gemfire → spring-ai-gemfire-store - spring-ai-azure-vector-store-spring-boot-starter → spring-ai-azure-store-spring-boot-starter - spring-ai-redis-spring-boot-starter → spring-ai-redis-store-spring-boot-starter

Upgrading to 0.8.1

Former spring-ai-vertex-ai has been renamed to spring-ai-vertex-ai-palm2 and spring-ai-vertex-ai-spring-boot-starter has been renamed to spring-ai-vertex-ai-palm2-spring-boot-starter.

So, you need to change the dependency from




and the related Boot starter for the Palm2 model has changed from



  • Renamed Classes (01.03.2024)

    • VertexAiApi → VertexAiPalm2Api

    • VertexAiClientChat → VertexAiPalm2ChatClient

    • VertexAiEmbeddingClient → VertexAiPalm2EmbeddingClient

    • VertexAiChatOptions → VertexAiPalm2ChatOptions

Upgrading to 0.8.0

January 24, 2024 Update

  • Moving the prompt and messages and metadata packages to subpackages of

  • New functionality is text to image clients. Classes are OpenAiImageModel and StabilityAiImageModel. See the integration tests for usage, docs are coming soon.

  • A new package model that contains interfaces and base classes to support creating AI Model Clients for any input/output data type combination. At the moment the chat and image model packages implement this. We will be updating the embedding package to this new model soon.

  • A new "portable options" design pattern. We wanted to provide as much portability in the ModelCall as possible across different chat based AI Models. There is a common set of generation options and then those that are specific to a model provider. A sort of "duck typing" approach is used. ModelOptions in the model package is a marker interface indicating implementations of this class will provide the options for a model. See ImageOptions, a subinterface that defines portable options across all text→image ImageModel implementations. Then StabilityAiImageOptions and OpenAiImageOptions provide the options specific to each model provider. All options classes are created via a fluent API builder all can be passed into the portable ImageModel API. These option data types are using in autoconfiguration/configuration properties for the ImageModel implementations.

January 13, 2024 Update

The following OpenAi Autoconfiguration chat properties has changed

  • from to

  • from to

Find updated documentation about the OpenAi properties:

December 27, 2023 Update

Merge SimplePersistentVectorStore and InMemoryVectorStore into SimpleVectorStore * Replace InMemoryVectorStore with SimpleVectorStore

December 20, 2023 Update

Refactor the Ollama client and related classes and package names

  • Replace the by

  • The OllamaChatClient method signatures have changed.

  • Rename the into and change the suffix to: Some of the properties have changed as well.

December 19, 2023 Update

Renaming of AiClient and related classes and package names

  • Rename AiClient to ChatClient

  • Rename AiResponse to ChatResponse

  • Rename AiStreamClient to StreamingChatClient

  • Rename package to

Rename artifact ID of

  • transformers-embedding to spring-ai-transformers

Moved Maven modules from top-level directory and embedding-clients subdirectory to all be under a single models directory.

December 1, 2023

We are transitioning the project’s Group ID:

  • FROM:

  • TO:

Artifacts will still be hosted in the snapshot repository as shown below.

The main branch will move to the version 0.8.0-SNAPSHOT. It will be unstable for a week or two. Please use the 0.7.1-SNAPSHOT if you don’t want to be on the bleeding edge.

You can access 0.7.1-SNAPSHOT artifacts as before and still access 0.7.1-SNAPSHOT Documentation.

0.7.1-SNAPSHOT Dependencies

  • Azure OpenAI

  • OpenAI


Upgrading to 1.0.0.M4

  • PaLM API support removal

As a follow up to the announcement to deprecate PaLM API, the PaLM API support is removed.